
Showing posts from May, 2018

where the mind is with out fear

where the world is with out fear:- poem:-                     where the mind is with out fear and the head is held high                                                     where the world has been broken up into                                 fragments by narrow domestic walls;                        Where the words come out from the depth of truth;                                     where tirele...
why we use hashtags "#" on social media   Today we all are blindly  using "#" on social media or platforms .Many good looking girls fluently use this tags .Example " #beauty over loaded " or the more popular that is " #maa ke hath ka khana ".but i gauses many times that question must had been stormed your brain that why we are using this "#" in this in our status .A simple answer that every one must have been giving is that it highlights the foreth comming words  but do you mreally think this is the only use of "#"and just because "#" highlights the word it is getting so much popularityon every platform.If you are thinking this as the right answer then my friend you are wrong. The use of "#" is discussed in detail for you "to enhance your knowledg". ...

operating system

now we are going to discuss the most basic and the most common topic that every it professional and a student who is prepearing for an IT industries or those who think to design some software must know and that is all aboute an operating system . now a question arises in our mind what is an operating system ? What is the work of an operating system? and w hat not so in this blog i am going to explain you about operating system{O.S} . defination : an operating system is a system software which after the initialization through a boot program in a computer manages the compleat settings and tasks like managing diffrent softwares called applications . These programs are used by the user or accesed by the user through an iterface that is provided as a command line or as an GUI (graphical user interfase) .so we can can conclude that an operating system is a system software that establish a link between the user and the hardware of the is the interface beween th...